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January 2015

The EFF, VPNs, and Encrypting your Computer Data

The question of who owns your private computer data should have an obvious answer: you own your data. The reality, however, is quite different. There are countless websites tracking you and taking your data without your knowledge. There are hackers who are trying everyday to own your data. And lastly, there is the police who believe that they can take your computer data whenever they want – even when you’re completely innocent and not under investigation!

Encrypting your computer data is a way to take ownership of your data. But is it always good for you? Is some of it bad, even illegal? And who are the parties involved in all this? All that, and more, in this article!Read More »The EFF, VPNs, and Encrypting your Computer Data

5 Online Security Goals for your Business this Year

I’m sure you noticed this, but there were a lot of security breaches in 2014. You can read a list of the worst breaches here, but I’m sure you know of at least a few just from general media. Your online security goals need to be stepped up if you hope to protect your business. The odds are good that cyber criminals just haven’t bothered targeting if you weren’t hacked and don’t have these plans in place!Read More »5 Online Security Goals for your Business this Year

Gmail Blocked in China: Other Google Services Still Down

  • News
  • 3 min read

Google users has been having a tough time in China since Google officially pulled out of China in 2010. Since then, access to Google search, and other Google services, has been sketchy at best. It now appears as if Gmail is blocked in China.

UPDATE: Read my most current post on the situation in China right now. The information below is still valid when you read the other post as well.

Read More »Gmail Blocked in China: Other Google Services Still Down