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Don’t Call Home: Google, Skype, YouTube are Banned Websites in Some Countries

If you’re an American, you’re used to having access to every website on the web.This is especially true for the biggest websites that you use every day, and that many people can’t imagine their day without. Read this article to discover what these tools are, who bans them, and how you can beat them at their own game!Read More »Don’t Call Home: Google, Skype, YouTube are Banned Websites in Some Countries

Pregnant Mother seeks Privacy from Big Data

A big reason why so many people love using a VPN is because it helps them stay anonymous online. This gives them privacy – a fundamental right of everyone on earth. Even the most barbarous of dictators wouldn’t openly admit to wanting to put a camera into the home of all their subjects.

Yet that is exactly what the governments and corporations of the world are doing with your online activities through various acts known collectively as Big Data. They’re tracking your online activities, taking this information from you, and selling it to marketers. Read that again: they’re using you. But a VPN can help you get privacy from Big Data.Read More »Pregnant Mother seeks Privacy from Big Data

Protect Your Online Data With These 5 Easy to Follow Tips

Hackers, corporations, and government agencies have a hundred different ways to steal your online data. Your computer has open doors all over, just begging someone to walk right through it – findings ways to protect your online data is more important than ever.

When it comes to protecting your online data, your job is to go around and close as many of those doors as possible. I was reading a recent article over on esecurityplanet.com which stated that 88 percent of surveyed web users are at least “a little” concerned about the data that they have online. This article will look at helping you get out of that mass of confused people, and get your data secure.

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How do Online Activists Benefit From a VPN?

Many people falsely believed that the only threat they face online is a hacker or a computer virus. This turned out to not be the case as governments the world over have been found to be using the Internet to track people’s information and do mass surveillance. You can be sure that they’re following the activity of online activists, especially in more restrictive countries. Do not fool yourself, these restrictive countries can include both the UK and the USA.

Even the most common of online activist activities can be tracked and used against you if you don’t protect yourself. This is where a VPN service comes in handy.
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