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Online Tracking: Can an ISP Track a VPN User?

With online tracking becoming a bigger and bigger hot topic, especially with all the social media tracking going on, your next step is to wonder about your ISP. What sort of data can your ISP track, what’s the extent of this online tracking done, and what can your VPN hide?

I’ll answer those questions, and help you get the online privacy that you want. Nothing will ever be perfectly 100% hidden, but you can certainly take back your privacy and not be spied on every moment of your Internet using life!
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Social Media Spying: What your Favorite Websites are Tracking

  • News
  • 6 min read

The websites you visit every day, like Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, and Twitter, are tracking nearly every move you make online. Social media spying has started to come out in the limelight as more people are becoming curious as to what data they’re taking from you, and how invasive they are.

Having an informed opinion about the social media spying that is going on can help you fight back against them by voicing an informed opinion, and by changing your privacy settings. Read this article to see what the Big Four are up to.Read More »Social Media Spying: What your Favorite Websites are Tracking

Internet Security Myths, Misinformation, the NSA and Encryption

Internet security myths have gone through the roof recently. I even recently read an article on another website, that I won’t name because I’d rather not start a flame war, which took these myths and made them ‘facts.’ The most maddening thing was that the article had no back-up proof or references about the claims it made.

I’m going to look at a few points made in this other article as it will address a few common VPN facts, internet security myths and spying myths that are floating around out there.

Read More »Internet Security Myths, Misinformation, the NSA and Encryption