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What is Spam? How Can I Protect Myself Against It?

When you first start using the Internet, you’ll start to notice that you may be getting a lot of messages from people and businesses you don’t know. If you’re wondering what is spam in an online context, that’s a start.

Spam can take many forms online,, and be intended for a number of malicious things. This article is going to look at the most common forms of spam, where it comes from, and offer ways for you to avoid it so you don’t get spammed yourself!
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Protect your Social Media Account from Hackers and Scams

Over the last ten years, social media has become a huge part of every brand’s marketing presence. Not only are brands using social media to market to consumers, but they’re also using it to make personal connections that can last a lifetime.

Unfortunately, these same social media accounts can be hacked. This can ruin a once perfect social presence, results in confidential information theft, and even be done just for the LOLz. A bad hack could impact your business for years to come, and it can all start from:

  • A phishing scam
  • Old apps
  • Sharing information you shouldn’t
  • Poor public WiFi choices
  • Not using modern sign in tools
  • Neglecting your security software

And the list can go on. Fortunately for you, there are ways to protect your branded social media account from hacking. Read this guide for the most common ways to protect your company, and your customers!
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What is Cyberbullying? How Can We Protect Our Kids from Cyberbullying?

Parents everywhere are all asking the same questions: What is cyberbullying? What can we do to protect our kids from this? While you may never be able to stop your children from being cyberbullied completely, you can certain do plenty to better protect them, and better educate them.

This will all tie in together with your overall cybersecurity plan, and how you will stay safe online in general. If you’re over the age of 18 the typical term used here is “cyberstalking,” and the advice in this article can apply to you just as readily as it will to someone under the age of 18.
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Adjusting Facebook Privacy Settings, and Stopping Ad Tracking

You’ve heard it before, but on Facebook YOU are the product being sold. This comes in the form of data tracking to serve you better advertisements. You give Facebook stacks and stacks of information every day, and all you get in exchange is use of their service. And ads. You get plenty of ads.

What many people don’t realise is that every time they sign into an app using their Facebook account, those companies are getting access to your account data. Now they won’t get your name and phone number, but they will learn about you and take your information to target you with advertising.

This article will help you gain some of your privacy back from these companies, and show you how to have greater privacy online overall.
Read More »Adjusting Facebook Privacy Settings, and Stopping Ad Tracking

The Best Bittorent Clients for P2P Downloading

Not all BitTorrent applications are equal in the P2P world. As with all things in life, some are stronger than others overall, and some are better suited to your particular needs. The thing that they all have in common is that they can’t hide your activity if you’re doing illegal downloads. If you are, I’d ask that you read our guide to the best VPNs for torrenting first.

Now that you’re protected, let’s look at the best tools for file sharing and P2P downloading. Don’t get the act of using a BitTorrent client confused via brand name association with the program Bittorent, or the very popular Utorrent. There are other options out there!
Read More »The Best Bittorent Clients for P2P Downloading

Internet Problems: 4 Ways your ISP Could be Screwing You

Hold on! Wait a second! ISPs never do anything wrong as all Internet problems are caused by gremlins and the ghosts of bad online porn actors. What could your ISP, your very own Internet service provider, be doing to possibly make it so you don’t get the best Internet experience?

Plenty! Many people have Internet problems of some sort because their ISPs know that they can take advantage of a wide portion of the population. This is because most people just want to connect to the Internet and forget about it until they have to pay their bill again. What goes on between you paying your bills is where REAL Internet problems occur. You could be getting cheated out of money and services that you’re paying for right now. Read this article to discover what sort of Internet problems you may have due to your ISP, and how to fix them.
Read More »Internet Problems: 4 Ways your ISP Could be Screwing You

Why is Netflix Slow AGAIN?!? Netflix Slow Lanes Due to ISP Limits

If you’re at home right now wondering why is Netflix slow again, while the rest of your Internet connection are fine, it can be frustrating. What you may not know is that these Netflix slowing issues are commonly caused by your own ISP – the very people you are paying to bring you Netflix in the first place!

Netflix have been having a trying time with a number of ISPs as these ISPs are also commonly cable TV providers. They are seeing Netflix as competition and giving their traffic less priority and putting it in slow lanes. Comcast being the worst of the group. Now you, the consumer, are stuck in the middle of these paying both of these companies money but you still can’t watch the totally awesome Daredevil without buffering issues! What can you do? Read on for some ideas!
Read More »Why is Netflix Slow AGAIN?!? Netflix Slow Lanes Due to ISP Limits