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Making Internet Security and Privacy Part of your Company Culture

Internet security and privacy is a big topic at every company in the world right now. The Sony hack is showing everyone just how deeply vulnerable company’s are. Better Internet security and privacy ideas are being discussed, but how do you make it part of your company culture? I’m going to look at some of the bad habits that companies get in, and offer up solutions to this.Read More »Making Internet Security and Privacy Part of your Company Culture

Buy Online Anonymously Using Bitcoin

The desire to buy online anonymously is ever increasing as people become more aware of how online companies are tracking their every move. This doesn’t have to have anything to do with illegal activities, it has to do with privacy and not feeling like you’re only useful when advertised to.

Bitcoin is becoming an increasingly popular choice for those who want to buy online anonymously. As with all things, you need to follow the right steps to be sure that you reach your end goal of completely anonymous online purchases.Read More »Buy Online Anonymously Using Bitcoin

How to Be Anonymous Online Using Safari & A VPN

Using a VPN is a big step to take if you want to be anonymous online. It will mask all of your activity, hide your IP address, encrypt your data, and a host of other things that we’ve talked about all over the Best VPN Provider blog.

Unfortunately, not everyone has used a VPN from the moment they first turned on their computer, and this can lead to companies still tracking some information about you. I’m going to talk directly to all the Mac and Safari users out there in this article. Use comparable tools and commands for your browser if you don’t use Safari, but consider a switch to the ultra-secure Safari in the future.Read More »How to Be Anonymous Online Using Safari & A VPN

Protect your WiFi Against Hackers: And your Own Ignorance

The magic that is WiFi is something that most people barely understand, let alone appreciate. I mean seriously, it’s invisible waves of information floating all around you, how awesome is that?!?…I digress. This lack of understanding is the greatest threat against your security, and is a reason why you need to read this article and protect your WiFi against hackers.

Your average hacker is no more knowledgable than your average ‘white hat’ hacker. The problem is that there are only so many white hat hackers in the world. This has opened the door for hackers who can easily exploit those who just don’t know any better. Credit card theft, social media profile takeovers, session hijacking, and identity theft are the result.

Here are five ways to protect your WiFi against hackers, and learn something about those magic invisible waves of information floating around you!Read More »Protect your WiFi Against Hackers: And your Own Ignorance

Why Would you Want to Hide your IP Address?

Finding out how to hide your IP address is something that most people think is tactic used by hackers and other people online with less than noble intentions. This isn’t exactly the case as nearly everyone could use some more privacy, and have their data tracked a little bit less.

How to do this correctly is key. Firewalls will only protect the data on your computer. Anti-virus software will protect you from viruses, but little else. Web proxies will hide your IP address, but not protect you.Read More »Why Would you Want to Hide your IP Address?

How to Secure your SmartPhone in 7 Easy Steps!

If you want to secure your smartphone you’re going to have to do a bit more than ask your little sister to not play with it. The digital age has brought with it all kinds of problems, one of the most immediate is how lackadaisical most people are with their mobile security, with smartphones being the number one culprit.

Read on if you want to secure your smartphone, from the iPhone, to Nokia, Sony, Nexus, and Samsung.Read More »How to Secure your SmartPhone in 7 Easy Steps!

P2P File Sharing Risks: Don’t Go Unprotected!

Safe browsing should be one of the next biggest pushes that people learn about. The digital world is becoming closer ingrained with the real world all the time. P2P file sharing risks are very real, and can result in a number of real world problems if you’re not careful.

In an effort to help people understand online security better, this article is going to look at a number of P2P file sharing risks, and then give you a few tips on how you can get past them and share safely.Read More »P2P File Sharing Risks: Don’t Go Unprotected!