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Useful Tools

Be Anonymous Online: 12 Tools & Techniques Anyone can Use

If you want to be anonymous online, and protect yourself, there are easy to use tools which are freely available to anyone who wants to learn how to use them. As online privacy becomes a commodity, many vendors are making things available for people to use for free, as well as at a premium price. You can use a variety of them to be anonymous online, with little effort on your part.
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The 6 Worst Apps for Online Privacy: Your Data is at Risk

Almost everyone understands that social networking apps track your location. Many see this trade-off as worthwhile, and think little else about how dare favorite apps impacted their online privacy.

By now, I hope you have heard the Internet adage that if it’s free, you are the product. Nowhere is this true or than in the world of apps. How much of you is being sold will depend upon the app itself, and you need to pay attention to this. Secondary aspect of all this is messaging apps and their levels of encryption. We will look at that first, and follow-up by working down the 6 worst apps for online privacy.
Read More »The 6 Worst Apps for Online Privacy: Your Data is at Risk