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smartphone security

5 Best Android Virus Protection Apps for 2017

One of the major problems with smartphones is the people continue to think of them as phones, and forget about what makes them smart. What makes them smart, of course, is a computer CPU inside of it. This computer, like all others, is vulnerable to viruses. You know that it’s important to have virus protection on your computer, and it is therefore important to choose one of the Android virus protection apps.
Read More »5 Best Android Virus Protection Apps for 2017

The 6 Worst Online Security Threats: Be Aware or be Hacked

2016 is nearly over, and if it has taught us anything it is that we have to take online security threats seriously. From popular TV shows, to music, to the DDoS attack on a prominent cyber security expert, to the presidential election, we have been shown time and time again online security poses real threats to everyone.

2016 has been the year that online security threats have been the most thrust into the headlines of world news. Here is hoping that 2017 is the year that people actually read about these online security threats, and then actually take action to do something about them.
Read More »The 6 Worst Online Security Threats: Be Aware or be Hacked

How to Secure your SmartPhone in 7 Easy Steps!

If you want to secure your smartphone you’re going to have to do a bit more than ask your little sister to not play with it. The digital age has brought with it all kinds of problems, one of the most immediate is how lackadaisical most people are with their mobile security, with smartphones being the number one culprit.

Read on if you want to secure your smartphone, from the iPhone, to Nokia, Sony, Nexus, and Samsung.Read More »How to Secure your SmartPhone in 7 Easy Steps!