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BitTorrent Client: New Features Reviewed

  • News
  • 3 min read

BitTorrent announced yesterday on their blog that they’re doing a new update to their client, both the BitTorrent client and their uTorrent client, which aims to get people to share more …when they file share. Did anyone else just hear Xzibit say something like “Yo dawg, I heard you like file sharing, so we…”

The feature is interesting, so let’s look at it a bit deeper to see what it all means.
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2 WiFi Connection Problems Travellers Should Look At

Hello, my name is Marcus and I barely remember my home. The last 8+ years have seen me live in Vancouver, an African nation, NYC, and now London. During this trip across Earth I’ve been wise enough to watch out for security concerns, and to use a few tools to help me stay connected to home.

No matter where you go in the world you will inevitably come against digital differences compared to where you are from. I am going to look at two such WiFi connection problems that I’ve come across, with my background in online security, privacy, and anti-censorship coming in handy!
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