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Privacy on the Internet: Beginner’s Guide

To put it basically, a VPN can help your privacy on the Internet by:

  • Hide your ‘online fingerprint’ from corporations, hackers, and the government.
  • Encrypt your most important data at its most vulnerable time.
  • Protect all of your online passwords.
  • Make your personal data impossible to steal via typical hacking methods.

And those are just the privacy features of a VPN, not to mention the other things it can do for you! This article is going to be a basic guide to starting to use a VPN, looking at how they were first developed, what they do, and why you’ll want to use one.
Read More »Privacy on the Internet: Beginner’s Guide

Advanced Online Security & Privacy with VPNs that ANYONE Can Use!

VPNs were once a tool only used by very few people. This was back when everyone just assumed that your online security would be taken care of for you. With all of the hacks going on lately, against even the once thought of most secure online companies, we know that this is not the case.

This has lead to many people starting to use VPN services, but are they using them to their fullest potential? The case is often a big ‘NO’ as new users are simply downloading their VPN client and connecting. They’re not doing everything they can to make their experience more anonymous, and as secure as possible.
Read More »Advanced Online Security & Privacy with VPNs that ANYONE Can Use!

Online Security Trust is Down: US Government Report

  • News
  • 3 min read

A recent survey by the NTIA, under the US Department of Commerce, clearly shows that people in the US have serious online security trust issues. The report was compiled to see how people felt about online security, and it isn’t anywhere near as good as it should.

Looking at the data, I can’t help but wonder how many people are aware of the fact that they can personally improve their online security by using some encryption from a VPN. Regardless, confidence in online security is falling, and this is a major issue.
Read More »Online Security Trust is Down: US Government Report